Be aware of a job scam for artists! I recently received an email like the one below. I am an artist and self-employed. However, I also put my career on job search sites with short-term work or projects in mind from time to time. However, this email came first from a place where I had not applied. They called me as a applicant. (In this sense, I feel that it's weird) It's a big company called Software AG. The company is founded in 1969, Software AG is an enterprise software company with over 10,000 enterprise customers in over 70 countries. The company is the second largest software vendor in Germany, and the seventh largest in Europe. In general, there is no reason to show interest in one artist first in such a large company personally, and in the case of such a large company, there is a department in charge of recruitment, and there is a public offering to recruit employees on a regular basis every year, and they recruit employees through such a route. It is common. And the most suspicious thing is that they are not using a corporate mail account, but using Gmail as shown below. However, at that moment, I responded to the interview with the same mind as a reporter to know how suspicious are they and also how can I get an information to report them, know to avoid a scam. I decided to interview via zoom the next morning. First, they give information about the company like this and present perfect and fancy conditions. It sounds like a fantastic job where you can get $18 for training alone compared to other jobs where the minimum wage starts at $18 to $20. Oh! also the insurance and various benefits are great. In general, people with a lot of experience in job hunting are suspicious when they hear these perfect benefits. However, the concern is that people who have started job hunting for the first time, people who are very eager to get a job, and people who are isolated from the outside world like artists are likely to fall victim to this kind of scam. And their scamming techniques have evolved over time, making them look like very standard interviews on the surface. They'll probably interview you and ask if you can work remotely, what you feel is important about working remotely, and so on. And will be very interested in you and ask you to send your portfolio. And after a few minutes it will look like you're reviewing it and then you'll be notified that you've been hired. They will congratulate you very often and compliment you on how well your experience and skills are a great fit for their company. But remember! Too good to be true! So good that it is hard to believe, or seeming very good but not real: their new job offer sounds too good to be true. But inexperienced or eager people are more likely to fall into this trap. Because being in a state of wanting very eagerly in the heart means that they do not want doubt even the scammer because they want to get their fancy future or solve their financial problem. And for another reason, there are many people in the world who are pure enough to believe the words of scammers. Another reason is that scammers' tricks are so sophisticated that you can't be careful no matter how careful you are. And the last reason is the biggest reason for being scammed. In the case of the scammer I met, he said that I was very suitable for the remote job and that I would get the job after a two-week training period. And after 3 months, he said that I would be a full-time job receiving the 4 major insurances and benefits. And he said I would get money to buy related software and hardware for remote work. This amount will be sent in the form of a check, and paid from the company. With this check, the employee should purchase the product through the fixed vendor designated by the company. There is a very important pitfall here. I asked them why they had to buy all new software and hardware when I already had it. They replied that the company was obliged to pay for these things and you did not have to worry. I think if there was a company like this, it would have already been widely known in the world and featured in the New York Times. Is there any company like this in the world? So I asked. What if I quit after getting everything and installing it? The scammer looked puzzled for a moment, then continued. Still, the company has an obligation to provide new equipment and software to employers. (It's a personal opinion, but did the scammer also get the equipment from the scam company?) After all, job seekers should never react when this kind of offer comes. And you have to be suspicious. No company in the world sends or remits money other than wages to job seekers, or makes them buy things instead. It is also illegal. Job seekers only get paid for their labor. In this case, there is a high probability that the check will bounce and you will lose your money. You have to be very careful with checks coming and going.
Above all, I want artists to safely continue their artistic activities in a legally protected environment when they are looking for a job. Doing art work itself is an arduous and difficult task, but how great will the despair be if you end up being scammed? In every sense, scams must be avoided and scams must be cut off. Let's keep it mindful. Equipment required by the company must be purchased and sent by the company. Company employees do not purchase with employee's credit cards. It's not like the company sends money and buys it with that money. Also, it is recommended that interviews be reported on video as much as possible. Because scammers won't show their faces. Even at this hour, it is impossible to predict how many scammers, fake artists and related companies will be looking for scapegoats. It is true that it takes a lot of trial and error to discern these things. However, I hope that by distinguishing this kind of proposal without trial and error, any artists can continue their work without being victims. In that sense, today's post has been released.
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About my new challenge This year, I took on the challenge of graduate school. It's been 20 years since I received my first master's degree in graduate school. I am currently a painter and recently debuted as a writer, but my first major was nursing. And I actually worked as a nurse in the surgical intensive care unit of a general hospital for three years. And after seeing the guardian of a patient suffering from a lack of medical information in an intensive care unit, I decided to study more and completed a master's degree in medical informatics. After that, I worked as a researcher at the Medical Information Research Institute for 6 years. Until I left Korea for Germany in 2006, I never knew in my wildest dreams that I would become an artist and live another life. It was just my first impression of Germany when I saw the checkered green fields before landing at the Frankfurt Airport in Germany and started thinking that the geometric patterns of the fields were very beautiful. But it wasn't long before a reality that shattered many illusions was unfolding before me. The gloomy climate where it is hard to see sunlight all year round, the food that does not suit my taste, life as a foreigner, longing for my hometown, and the blurry future... Living in a foreign country as a foreigner is gradually becoming a reality. However, looking back, feelings of homesickness, deep loss, and depression rather gave me a good opportunity to look into the proposal intensively. I finally realized why Germany produced so many great philosophers, musicians, writers and artists. And it didn't take long to find out. I still sometimes remember the sound of rain and wind in Germany on gloomy climate and the dark German sky like a thick carpet. Under that dark carpet, I always thought and thought and thought again. And when the homesickness reached its peak, I picked up a brush to catch my fragile mentality. That's how I started drawing. And those days, the struggling, and the pain gathered to become a fuse to become an artist. That's how my life turned on the light. The moment of painting was the shelter for me when all the darkness, loneliness, worry, and pain in the world disappeared. I draw every day and look at the white wall and hang my picture there in my imagination. And those imaginations were realized through the exhibition one by one. I opened an exhibition and the paintings began to sell. In the meantime, I left the Karlsruhe, Germany, which made me an artist, and relocated to New York. Like a nomad who could not settle down anywhere and had to move here and there, my life felt like moving in search of another settled area. However, just as Abraham in the Bible lived wandering here and there, looking at the stars in the sky, constantly communicating with the Creator, finding comfort in his non-stable life, finding direction and dreaming of a vision, painting was like a star to me. I always picked up a brush when I had to move somewhere or settle down in an unfamiliar place. When my heart is dark, painting has made me my own garden that sparkles like a dream. When I felt lonely and empty as if I was alone in the world, painting became the best friend I could open up to. When I was at a loss as to where to start or how to survive in an unfamiliar land, painting became a good means of livelihood for me. And when the whole world stopped due to a pandemic, painting became a refuge for me to face my fears in a small studio. And while experiencing the joy, consolation, healing, and energy that this kind of painting gives, I came to think that I want to share this kind of heart. This time, I wanted to be synchronized with the world through painting. At some point during the pandemic, I felt like I was isolated in the studio. With a desire to connect with the world, I applied to graduate school. The school I came to study at is Adelphi University. I'm taking an online master's course in the major, the Educational theatre, Storytelling and Arts. At first, there was pressure to study literature together, not just painting. And there were also concerns about whether the online course would have an effect. However, after taking the class for one semester, I confess that these worries have completely disappeared. This course became another turning point in my life. The dream of wanting to be connected to the world through pictures has been completed with a children's book. Before entering this graduate school, I never dreamed that I would be writing children's books. Looking at the fruits of one semester, I realize that my choice this year to enter graduate school was not wrong. The master's course I am studying is a program that I want to give excellent marks to in all aspects. First of all, professors respond immediately to students' questions within 24 hours. They always listen to students' questions with an open mind and answers them. They are enthusiastic and knowledgeable. In addition, infinite encouragement is poured out for each assignment. I feel that I am gradually developing in this kind of encouragement and support. Above all, considering my hectic schedule with work, childcare, and housework, the Asynchronous Online Course is a perfect program. I can make a study schedule according to my life pattern and choose and concentrate. And above all, it's not about learning to be negligent about being online. Rather, it was effective because I could listen to the last lecture over and over again, concentrate on it, and exchange assignments, thoughts, and opinions with other classmates. Therefore, when you see these aspects, it is a program that I highly recommend if you want to connect with the world with a vision as an art educator while drawing as an artist like me.
Merry Christmas! As a child, Christmas existed only on TV and in churches. Adults' conversations were always dark prospects that the economy was not good, and my parents struggled every day with various bill pay. Setting up and decorating the Christmas tree and exchanging gifts in this environment felt like a fairy tale. But as an adult and able to stand on my own, I was able to set up a tree in my house, decorate it, listen to carols, and give and receive gifts. Of course, like my parents when I was young, I worry about bill pay, the economy is not good, and there are many difficulties.
Looking back, we were able to celebrate with even a small candle lit at that time. Because even during the war, they make trees and celebrate Christmas. Why didn't we have Christmas at that time? In my memory I loved Christmas. I was able to make cards by drawing on white paper and distribute them to people around me. When you think about it this way, art is like a Christmas tree to me. Painting has always helped me overcome difficult situations and dream. And painting is my best friend anytime, anywhere. I still make cards now. Now times have changed, so I made this card like this. I would like to dedicate this card to all who love painting. Have a merry Christmas~ Life is the flower for which love is the honey. by Victoria HugoHave you ever imagined a world without color? What about walls without pictures? What do you see when you wake up in the morning? We are in art every day. When you open the curtains to see the bright sunlight, you see the patterns on the curtains. When you eat, you eat by looking at the color and design of the plate. And the clothes you wear are also beautiful, like a work of art. If you walk down the street, you will see pretty decorations on the road. We live in the art to the extent that it is difficult to list them all. Art has a lot to do with nature. Like nature, which we always see, marvel at, and receive healing from, the beautiful colors, patterns, and shapes of paintings calmly heal us from tired of everyday life. I found the healing message of nature in the painting. And I wanted to capture that energy, so I became an artist. I want my paintings to be sprinkled like snow worldwide through my shop. Would that make the world more beautiful? Could we make it that way? I am an artist who respects all people who love painting and wants to be with them. Always be happy in art today. Life is the flower for which love is the honey. by Victoria Hugo
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